
来源:新天会展 发布时间:2024-10-25 10:57:56 阅读:111 次




  来展会上逛展的老客户,表示市场环境不好,要求给与支持:Market very low in USA,现在欧美市场不太好,这个产品关税很高,竞争很大,同行的价格都很低,希望给与支持。



  I also heard about the bad situation in European American market. However, you must have got information from other suppliers that the price for raw materials has increased a lot recently. At present, a great decrease in our productivity. I hope that you can understand that our situation is not easy, so I hope you can accept our price.

  有的买家会提出一个试探性的问题,I've got a better price from another supplier.我们在其他供应商那里获得了一个更好的价格。



  We also have some cheaper products of the same type, but the quality is not good at all, compared to the ones I recommended you, so please have second thoughts on it. Of course, we can provide you with products with different qualities, but it is sure that the cheaper ones will be more easy to wear and tear and more importantly have more risks.


  “quality of B company is much better than yours” 看起来 B 公司的产品质量要比你们的好。

  关于质量,我们的质量也很好,它通过严格的 ISO 鉴定与其稳定的性能。与当今世界市场的平均水平相比,这是非常优秀的。


  For the quality, our quality is also good, it pass the strict ISO identification with it’s stable performance. It’s quite excellent compare with the average level in today world market.And as you know, except the quality, the price is also very important when you compete to seize the market. For our product, the price is really competitive then another else. What’s more, our professional R&D team and service team provide the integrated service through the whole business.



  大公司的买手关心的不是 price,quality,而是reliability.

  要站在客户的角度考虑问题,要让买家觉得你在所有的供应商里面,你是最 reliable 的,包括质量、价格、长期供货能力等等。


  幸运的是,我们与 XXXX 公司的长期合作积累了足够的生产和管理知识。我相信我们可以帮助您降低国际采购成本,提高您的利润。

  We are one of the top 3 private label suppliers in the global market. Furthermore, you know, the knowledge and the know-how sometimes is more important than the machines and equipments. Fortunately, we have accumulated enough producing and management know-how from our long-term co-operation with XXXX company. I am sure we can help you to reduce your international sourcing costs, and increase your profit.







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