发布时间:2020-05-11 14:59:20 阅读:8893 次尊敬的Messe Friedrichshafen的客户/客户和合作伙伴:
Dear customers/clients and partners of Messe Friedrichshafen,
The Corona pandemic continues to hold the world in a stranglehold. Given the ban in Germany on major events until 29 August 2020 and the scale of preparations and procedures for Eurobike, holding the show just two days later is practically impossible. Due to this, Messe Friedrichshafen has decided not to run Eurobike 2020 on the planned date from 2 to 5 September or in its usual format. Instead, the organisers are holding a one-off Eurobike Special show some two and a half months later – from 24 to 26 November 2020. The event will be a pure B2B concept and the ideal platform as a working trade fair with intensive expert and professional exchange.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time. Thank you for your understanding and stay healthy.
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